In today’s digital landscape, businesses across the United Kingdom are increasingly recognizing the value of migrating their IT infrastructure and applications to the cloud. This strategic move offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, scalability, enhanced security, and improved collaboration. However, successful cloud migration requires careful planning and consideration of various options to align with a company’s specific goals and requirements.

In this blog, we will explore the various cloud migration strategies available to companies in the UK, with a special focus on Exato Software – a leading full-framework IT services company dedicated to delivering cutting-edge information automation and technology solutions.

Understanding Cloud Migration

Before diving into the specific strategies, let’s briefly understand what cloud migration entails. Cloud migration is the process of moving a company’s data, applications, and services from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based platforms. It enables businesses to leverage the resources of cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud to streamline operations and drive innovation.

Why Companies in the UK Should Consider Cloud Migration

  • Cost Efficiency: Cloud migration can lead to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for expensive on-premises hardware and reducing operational overhead. UK companies, whether startups or established enterprises, can allocate their budgets more effectively by paying only for the cloud resources they use.
  • Scalability: The cloud offers unparalleled scalability, allowing businesses to easily adjust their computing resources to accommodate growth or seasonal demands. This flexibility is particularly valuable for UK companies facing fluctuating market conditions.
  • Security Enhancements: Cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures, offering robust protection against cyber threats and data breaches. UK companies can benefit from state-of-the-art security features without the need for dedicated in-house security teams.
  • Improved Collaboration: Cloud-based tools and applications facilitate collaboration among teams, regardless of their geographic locations. This is especially advantageous for UK businesses with remote or distributed workforces.
  • Innovation and Agility: Cloud adoption empowers companies to innovate rapidly by providing access to advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics. This can give UK companies a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Cloud Migration Strategies

Now, let’s explore the various cloud migration strategies that UK companies can consider when planning their journey to the cloud:

Rehost (Lift and Shift):

  • Description: In this strategy, companies replicate their existing on-premises applications and infrastructure to the cloud without making significant changes to the underlying architecture.
  • Benefits: Rehosting is a quick and cost-effective way to migrate to the cloud, making it suitable for UK businesses aiming to minimize downtime.
  • Exato Software’s Expertise: Exato Software offers seamless rehosting services, ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud while optimizing performance and cost-efficiency.

Replatform (Lift, Tinker, and Shift):

  • Description: Replatforming involves making minor adjustments to applications to take advantage of cloud-native features. It retains the core architecture while optimizing for the cloud environment.
  • Benefits: UK companies can enhance performance and reduce operational costs while maintaining compatibility with existing systems.
  • Exato Software’s Expertise: Exato Software specializes in replatforming solutions, helping UK businesses leverage cloud-native capabilities without major disruptions.

Rearchitect (Rebuild):

  • Description: Rearchitecting involves redesigning applications from the ground up to fully utilize cloud-native services. It provides maximum scalability, flexibility, and efficiency.
  • Benefits: This strategy suits UK companies with a long-term vision for cloud-native applications, enabling them to achieve unparalleled agility and innovation.
  • Exato Software’s Expertise: Exato Software excels in rearchitecting solutions, supporting UK businesses in building cutting-edge cloud-native applications tailored to their unique requirements.

Refactor (Revise and Optimize):

  • Description: Refactoring involves modifying existing applications’ code and architecture to optimize them for the cloud. It offers a balance between rehosting and rearchitecting.
  • Benefits: UK companies can achieve improved performance and cost-efficiency while preserving core functionalities and reducing migration complexity.
  • Exato Software’s Expertise: Exato Software’s refactoring expertise ensures that UK businesses can optimize their applications for the cloud while maintaining compatibility.

Retire and Retain:

  • Description: In this strategy, companies assess their existing applications and decide which ones to retire (remove or replace) and which to retain (continue using on-premises or in the cloud).
  • Benefits: UK companies can streamline their IT portfolios, reducing costs and complexity while focusing on strategic applications.
  • Exato Software’s Expertise: Exato Software assists UK businesses in identifying and managing their application portfolios, making informed decisions about retirement and retention.

Exato Software: Your Cloud Migration Partner

As a leading full-framework IT services company in the UK, Exato Software is well-positioned to assist businesses with their cloud migration journeys. Here’s how Exato Software aligns with the needs of UK companies:

  • Understanding UK Market Trends: Exato Software stays abreast of the latest market trends and best practices in the UK, ensuring that its cloud migration solutions are tailored to local business requirements.
  • Agile Growth Opportunities: Exato Software’s commitment to transforming ideas into agile growth opportunities resonates with the dynamic and competitive landscape of the UK business ecosystem.
  • Comprehensive Expertise: Exato Software’s expertise covers a wide range of cloud migration strategies, from rehosting to rearchitecting, allowing UK companies to choose the approach that best suits their needs.
  • Security Focus: Exato Software prioritizes security, a critical concern for UK companies, by implementing robust measures to protect data and applications in the cloud.
  • Innovation Drive: Exato Software’s dedication to innovation aligns with the goals of UK businesses seeking to leverage the cloud’s capabilities to drive innovation and stay ahead in their industries.


In the ever-evolving landscape of the UK business environment, cloud migration has become a strategic imperative. The benefits of cost efficiency, scalability, enhanced security, improved collaboration, and innovation cannot be overstated. UK companies have a range of cloud migration strategies to choose from, depending on their unique goals and requirements.

Whether your organization opts for rehosting, replatforming, rearchitecting, refactoring, or a combination thereof, it’s essential to partner with a trusted IT services provider like Exato Software. Their deep understanding of the UK market, commitment to agile growth, and comprehensive expertise in cloud migration make them an ideal partner for your cloud journey.

Embrace the cloud, unlock new possibilities, and propel your UK-based business toward a future of innovation and success with Exato Software by your side.